Monday, December 15, 2008

What a sweet day!

We slept in- glorious...I was only aroused when the sun hit my left arm. Perhaps it is mental but I tell ya- a missing ozone layer makes for a strong sun!

We loved breakfast at the hostel. I had no idea there were so many different spreads for bread! I mean, we al know about butter and jam, but there was cheese spread, tuna spread, chicken spread, ´country´spread, dulce de leche, sweet potato spread and pumpkin spread. it was pretty rad.

We then grabbed a taxi and were driven by Cesear up to the Forest de Magalleans to do some hiking and what not. It was so beautiful! The area is actually a ski resort in the winter, but during the summer it is incredibly green! The beech trees were so beautiful! Once again I felt right at home with the heather and skunk cabbage.

We hiked up to a viewpoint where we could see the whole of Punta Arenas, the strait of Magellan and the Tierra del Fuego- it was awesome, and as you can see from the pic of katie and liddell- windy.

We wanted to take the ski lift back down but aparantly it doesn´t run when the wind kicks up so we hoofed by foot, running into some curious horses at the end. Cesear met us at the entrance and drove us back tot town where he dropped us off at the general cemetary. This place was insane. It was full of graces that had been literally made into garden beds where merely grass lies atop graves in the united states. There were also a ton of mausoliums and other memorials. What was also interesting were the cultural lineages. About half were Spanish names, the other half were a mix of English eastern European. It was so weird seeing a traditional latin american style mausolium next to a gothic styled one.

We then headed back to the hostel and quickly learned that what we thought was a sleepy town on Sunday turns into abustling city on a monday- great people watching! And I don´t even know if I can describe our dinner at Broccolino. All I know is that there was an appetiser guaranteed to boost your libido, that there can be a happy marraige between crab, aparagus and curry rissoto, a pasta can make you strong and firey like Al Capone and all dishes can be described with the ¨words¨uuuuummmmmppppppfffff and hhhhuuuummmm.

We are off to see penguins tomorrow and so I should be able to post some photos again soon. Patagonia seems to become more welcoming and comfortable every time we have apositive interaction with local folks, this again, does not include grocery stores; THOUGH I DID bag and weigh the avacado today so hurray for that. I would have typed an exclamation at the end of that sentence but I can figure out how to do it on the keyboard. Until later,

Liddell Katie and Liz


Unknown said...

I am glad that you are having a GREAT trip! Keep the stories coming!

Unknown said...

Please bring back some 'country' spread, hahaha! Glad you guys are safe and having fun. xoxo! -Elisa

Los Tres Amigos said...

Close up of Liz, please.

Pam said...

Love following your journey. Yes, pictures of Liz.